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Names and Logos

ORCID as a community-based initiative is eager to promote the participation of its members. ORCID wish to use your name and logos for the limited purposes of indicating that ORCID and your institution have entered into the ORCID agreement and to identify your institution as a ORCID Consortium Member.

Please complete the following questions to permit ORCID to use your name and logos.


ORCID also require that details for a main and technical contact are recorded for the members of staff at your institution who will be responsible for managing ORCID.  There is more information on the contacts required at We have included space in this form to capture this information so that we can send out welcome information and guidance to get started with membership.

Jisc will share this information with ORCID to manage the organisational membership and to set up access to member services and send out relevant communications relating to the membership and the use of ORCID services. Jisc will store contact information on Jisc systems and use it to keep our members up to date, to send out invitations to events, updates on consortium membership, and to contact you about any initiatives or issues related to being a member of the ORCID consortium.

Our use of this information follows best practice and is covered by the Jisc Privacy Notice

Please answer ALL questions from 1 to 9. 

Please enter a valid email address.

Dates need to be in the format 'DD/MM/YYYY', for example 27/03/1980.


6.6. Use of Trademark:  ORCID is a community-based initiative and is eager to promote the participation of its members.  ORCID wish to use your name and logos for the limited purposes of indicating that ORCID and your institution have entered into the ORCID Licence Summary, to identify your institution as a Consortium Member of ORCID (if relevant) and to publicise any links Jisc and member institutions create from their websites to the ORCID website. Required